It rained as I started at 7:00 and kept going until slightly after noon. I was very glad I had a poncho with me. Thank you for that present it saved my day. The cows seemed mesmerized by the red color. Maybe my dancing, singing and whistling helped as well. I found my sleeping spot… Continue reading Castle Ruin Schleichenrain to a fireplace after Hörnli
Author: admin
Constance the start.
So here we go, after fixing things at home. I’m off to Constance. After arriving the first thing I did, was buying two clown noses. Thorsten the store owner wished me a great camino. I went to buy some food (some carrots, oatmeal and ricemilk). And then I went back to take this picture celebrating… Continue reading Constance the start.
Mother’s PC priority.
So there is no way that I’m leaving my parents in a shitty situation with something that I can more or less easily fix. Therefore I decided yesterday evening to stay another day trying to fix the computer problem from my mother and also setting up the homepage more properly. It’s now about 9 PM… Continue reading Mother’s PC priority.
Saying bye.
It’s refreshing to really say bye. In my opinion it’s important. Everytime we go to bed, we don’t know if we ever wake up again. Everytime we meet somebody we meet them for the last time, because we are changing. It’s scary so better use your chance and say bye and embrace each other giving… Continue reading Saying bye.
First time trying the pot.
It worked. (This is also the first post from my phone)
Two more nights until camino
Hi! This blog will help me to give you further informations about the journey on the camino de santiago. Starting in Constance this wednesday, going all the way down to Santiago de Compostela. I’m freaking nervous, I always tell people, if you are nervous about something, then there is meaning behind what you are doing.… Continue reading Two more nights until camino