Be bored, let there be space – something incredibly difficult to do. Because we have that phone with us. Enabling us easily to never be bored. Even without the phone we learnt to entertain us. Thinking all the time. Doing something all the time. Maybe we’re scared to see what would happen if we stop.… Continue reading Bored!
Category: Camino de Santiago
Another view
Today I watched the movie “Saint-Jacques… La Mecque” (in german: Pilgern auf Französisch). A lovely french comedy that tries to portray what “the camino” is about and does so very well. Definitely a lovely french movie. Buen Camino!
Swiss- French Border
Today I walked with Judith and Lukas the Rest of the way to the swiss- french border (we even met some spanish teachers, that want to inspire their students a bit and were preparing a 1 day trip on the camino de santiago. After we ate in france and headed back to geneva. A lot… Continue reading Swiss- French Border
Nyon to Geneva
I ate so much this evening… I didn’t eat enough yesterday. Right now I’m lIng in bed wanting to finally close my eyes instead of Lukas and Judith a couple and two friends of mine came visiting today. Lukas walked with me and Judith came later to the hostel. I decided that I had enough.… Continue reading Nyon to Geneva
!Secret Recipe!
Christine the host at Lully gave me a super great recipe for breakfast – see below (it’s in french) To be honest I think about taking a break at geneva. Here are some reasons why: 1. I have already so many thoughts on what I need to do urgently and I’m now carrying these thoughts… Continue reading !Secret Recipe!
Lausanne to Lully
Today I managed to clean out my backpack some more and sent the tripod back that I thought would be handy… I bought a belt for my pants as my pants loosened up respectively the size of my ass went down. I also bought terrain attachment for the walking sticks – oh damn they were… Continue reading Lausanne to Lully
Rest day
I wanted to write the blog post yesterday, I just felt super tired. Even after a whole rest day. So it’s now morning 7:00 AM and our journey continues after staying a day in lausanne. I was doing a lot of things. Made groceries and restocked my backpack, made pizza, repaired holes in my pants,… Continue reading Rest day
C’est surréaliste
I finally caught up with Carina and Silke. We walked/talked together for about 16 km. This was in Moudon where they stopped their Camino … to be continued! Incredibly long day, I’m super exhausted. Had some other plans on where to sleep until I found out that the coloc where I departed from 8 years… Continue reading C’est surréaliste
From snails to flies.
How it all started? With rain and snails. Couldn’t enter church it was too early… But I could enter this church in Autigny in the afternoon – looks great? Yes, only at first sight. After some minutes of me sitting there, a sound appears : “bzzzzzzzzzz” really loud. I started to investigate. It wasn’t obvious… Continue reading From snails to flies.
Just another day (long)
Tired. Sleeping in a tent for the second night I hope I can find a lovely place to stay for tomorrow. We are now some kilometers in front of Fribourg (the one in switzerland). It’s warm in the tent. My eyes were already shut multiple times. Buen Camino!